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What's new at Ubi!

By 11 décembre 2016No Comments

Still working in ubisoft Annecy's video game studio, these are the latest projects I've had the opportunity to collaborate on since Watchdogs DLC Bad Blood.

Ubisoft, video game development studio.

Assassin's Creed Black Flag Multiplayer

Ubisoft Annecy is on a good start and is once again collaborating on the Assassin license. So it's a 4th installment that was released in October 2013, with a multiplayer part of which Ubi Annecy was the developer.

New characters, new "kills", new moving animations, this time we plunge into a world of pirates, with swords and pistols in the key.
Assassin's Creed Black Flag Multiplayer trailer.

Tom Clancy's The Division

New license launched in March 2016, The Division brings renewal to ubisoft's line-up. We are in an open-world game, on the edge of MMORPG. History plunges us into the heart of a topical topic: a virus hits the planet and devastates the Western civilization we know.

Ubisoft Annecy is collaborating for this project with Ubisoft Massive, a studio based in Sweden. This will be a first collaboration that will have been very constructive both project and cultural! The manda
te is about "urban life", or how to bring to life a city here in New York, where the population has been completely decimated?

E3 2015 trailer for The Division


Great first here too on this project! Ubisoft Annecy launches its first game as a lead studio. Usually, Annecy positions herself as a partner and comes to the rescue of other studios like Massive or Montreal.T
his time it's home-made 🙂 What could be more appropriate than a winter sports game developed in the heart of the mountains?

On this license, I was in charge of the cinematic "in game". More detailabouts about my work in the case study of this project.

The game has been available since December 2016.

Trailer E3 2015 de Steep

Author Aude

Animateur 3D depuis maintenant une dizaine d'année, j'ai exploré pas mal d'horizons dans le monde de l'Animation. Ces dernières années ont été tournées vers le Motion Editing, qui est devenu au final ma spécialité. Bienvenue sur mon portfolio où je partage mes projets et mes dernières actualités pro !

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